Massev Productions Cuts Ties with IGUKC
Press Release
For Immediate Release
KANSAS CITY (November 15, 2021) – Massev Productions, and its CEO M.Sublett, announced on Monday that they have severed their ties with IGUKC and its CEO, Will Sanchez.
Effective immediately Massev Productions will no longer provide video support to IGUKC, it’s subsidies, Infernal Firegrind Circus, or Will Superior/Systems Glitch Mode Recordings. Support given to IGUKCs subsidy Voodoo Rino and its podcast, Smoke Break, has also been terminated. Though the circumstances of Massevs decision to cut ties are confidential, Sublett did say the decision was a difficult one, but the right one. “Massev Productions would like to wish Mr. Sanchez the best in all of his goals and endeavors. Now we are ready to get back to work serving our producers and clients in a manner they have come to expect.”
When asked about the series Grind he had this to say:
“Though the future of the series isn’t certain we can promise there will be a series. We will deliver. We are currently working on editing and an appropriate format that will best tell the story”
All communication should be directed to the following:
Massev Productions